Madilog (Main, Diskusi, dan Dialog): Play, Disscussion and Dialogue

       Sunday, October 3, 2021, the Network and Communications Division of the Historical Science Students Association of Faculty of Social Sciences UNY held a virtual event via Zoom Meeting called: Main, Diskusi dan Dialog (MADILOG)—play, discussion and dialogue). The event should be carried out by making direct visits to places, but due to the Covid-19 situation, it is not yet possible to carry out activities offline. The MADILOG which was held this year carried the theme “Yogyakarta, the Islamic Period” with the title “Segarayasa Reflections and Mataram's Obsession with the Artificial Sea”.

       Mataram Islam as a fairly large Sultanate in Yogyakarta and even in Java, at that time it was recorded that it had moved its capital. One of the areas of Yogyakarta that was once the capital was in the Pleret area, Bantul. Therefore, the organizing committee brought up the theme by presenting two expert speakers, namely: Dr. Miftahudin M.Hum (Lecturer of Historical Science Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences  UNY) and Heri Priswanto, S.S as a Young Expert Researcher at the Yogyakarta Archaeological Center. In the presentation of the material, the speakers were accompanied by Yoga Hanindyatama, a student of Historical Science Study Program, class of 2019, as the moderator. The discussion of the material which lasted approximately 90 minutes was followed by interesting discussions about the obsession of the Islamic Mataram Sultan at that time to make an artificial sea.

       The activity which took place from 09.00 WIB to 11.00 WIB went smoothly. At the beginning, it was opened with remarks from the Chief Executive, namely Rudi Utomo, a student of Historical Science Study Program class of 2020 and officially opened by Flamboyan Dwi Cahyo, Head of the History Student Association. During the activity, the interaction between the audience and the speaker looked enthusiastic as evidenced by the many questions when the discussion and question and answer session began. With limited direct access, it does not become an obstacle for students to get new experiences in the field of history. In its implementation, the activity was closed with a joint documentation session from the committee, audience, and presenters.
In addition, the MADILOG event is also an program activity conducted by the Historical Science Study Program Student Association that must be followed by new Historical Science Study Program Students batch 2021. It is hoped that historical activities carried out outside of lecture hours can be a fun additional provision for new students beside study in class. (HMIS).